
We are a team of Designers and Advertisers from Huddersfield University who have been given a live brief for the friendship scheme at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park

This blog is to record all relevant data related to our project.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Friendship Scheme

Definition of friendship: defines friendship as:
1) the state of being a friend; association as friends:to value a persons friendship
2) a friendly relation or intimacy
3) friendly feeling ro disposition

In the case of a friendship scheme however, it is describing a two way relationship between a person (or particular group of people) and a company/ charity/ organisation.

Target Audience
Our chosen target audience is 'infertile couples aged 35-50'.

The park can help the couple, by offering a place to get away, and a beautiful, relaxed setting for them to bond. But by promoting the park to lots of couples who are infertile, this would mean that couples would also have the choice of discussing any issues (with other people who are going through the same thing, or possibly an on-site proffesional).
The couple's contributions to the park could go towards activities and events for children.

As the couple are middle aged (as they have realised they are unable to have children) they would probably have an established lifestyle: jobs, a home, and a car. This is the perfect audience for a friendship scheme, as they can afford to make donations, or buy products, and can drive to the park whenever they want.

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